Monday, February 2, 2009

Two Weeks Old

Emme turned two weeks old today (tonight really.) She is very alert and stays up for quite awhile before going back to sleep. Sometimes she stays up for two hours and then only naps for an hour or so. She loves to look out the window at the light or the lights on the tv. Paul even caught her watching him eat a cookie. She would watch the cookie go back and forth from the plate to his mouth. I bet she can't wait to get a hand on a cookie. We now have somewhat of a night schedule. She feeds around 7pm and sleeps for an hour or two- so do I. She then feeds again and sleeps till 12-1ish and then she feeds again and sleeps until 5 or 6. She sleeps up to four hours at a time during the night only and we wake her during the day after two hours so we can keep the long sleeps at night. Thanks Moriah for the good advice. It seems to be working. Her cord fell off Saturday so we are looking forward to our first bath tub experience. She seems to like the sponge baths on the counter- hopefully the feeling will be the same soaking in a tub. She certainly doesn't mind the tongue soaking baths from Tom she receives any time he can get near her. Here is a picture from today just after her sponge bath.

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