Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday EMME!

How old is Emme.............


Wow I can't believe she is already one. She is such a big girl already. She had so many parties and ate so many pieces of cake and cupcakes it is no wonder she doesn't want to eat real food! We still make most of her food but now it is easier since she can chew with her EIGHT big teeth! She goes for her checkup on the 23rd so we will see how much she has grown. I think she is around 20lbs since her 12 months clothes are fitting perfectly and some are even too small!

For a little update-


----->has 8 teeth and one big bump on her gum which appears to be the breaking ground for a one year molar.

----->could live off yogurt and anything covered in red sauce (not ketchup Jeanine!)

----->loves books and to be read to.

----->walks a couple of steps and busts out into a crawl

-----> walks around and around while holding someone's hand

-----> races over to me (crawling) when I pick her up from school

-----> uses the potty at least 3 times a day even at school ( she even started saying pee pee a few times when she had to go) She signs all done if she doesn't have to go. We make her sit anyway for a few minutes just in case! I think she is even motivating some of her older schoolmates to go when they see a baby on the potty.

-----> pees and poops in big potties too and claps when I go! She waves goodbye and says bye pee pee when we flush!

-----> infatuated by anything Sesame Street

-----> loves music and now goes to a music class with Natalie (we love love love it)

----->steals the balls out of the pool table when she crawls by.

----->prefers Daddy over Mommy unless it is milk time which allows me to get some chores done!

----->still has a touch of asthma here and there

----->prefers drinking milk out of a non lidded cup (with assistance of course) than a sippy

-----> points to certain things in books like finding the object on each page.

-----> still sits and watches me run Tom and Jerry every week at dog class with her clicker in hand of course!

----->points to things and says "dis' "dat" "dose" "dum" and "deez" when she wants to know what the object is.

----->points to pictures of herself and says "baby"

----->and a ton more but I can't list everything.

We are so blessed to have such a sweet little baby girl!

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