Saturday, January 23, 2010

Peanut Butter

Today we went for Emme's one year check up. She weighed in at 20.5lbs and 29.5 inches long. She is 50th percentile for weight and 50-75th percentile for height. She had the iron test and it was fine as well as two immunizations which she absolutely hated. I hated to see her cry. We wanted to wait until one year to try peanut butter even though I ate it constantly when I was pregnant and have eaten it while nursing and Emme had no problems. I gave her some peanut butter on crackers after the doctor and she ate them like it was her last meal. I think she ate 5 or 6 so fast I couldn't believe it. Here are some pics from lunch. She hasn't learned not to talk while eating or to keep her mouth closed while chewing yet!

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