Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Night on the Town

Since I was feeling a little better- at least well enough to walk! we decided to meet my parents and sister for dinner at Fratelli's. I was a little nervous about taking a 12 day old to a restaurant because I didn't want her to scream her little head off and have a temper tantrum. Yes my child has those already and is only two weeks old. It must be genetic. The doctor said she could go to a restaurant as long as we weren't around any kids and no strangers touched her. She was very well behaved and it was really nice to get out of the house for something other than a doctor appt or a hospital visit. Here is a picture of Emme wearing a handmade sweater and hat given by Jaime and Stephen McKay. It was knitted by Stephen's mom. The booties are still too big yet but she will wear them soon.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

And the Pain Gets Worse....

So yes I return to the doctor again today to find out why I am in more pain than I was last week and they decide to send me for a CAT scan to rule out fluid buildup, hematomas and anything that might require surgery. So I break the rules and lift the car seat and drive to the doctor and hospital because the pain is THAT bad. There was a ton of confusion at the hospital on whether I could or could not breastfeed after receiving the contrast dye. The doctor that sent me had checked with a radiologist and the surgeon and they said it was safe but when I got to the hospital they wanted me to sign some waiver that I could not breastfeed for 24 hours after the test. Well I guess that would have been ok if I had bottles at home and if I even opened my pump. I have been exclusively breastfeeding and the nurses didn't think it was a big deal that I just give the baby some formula for the next day. I didn't even know what to buy. Then the nurse supervisor said the nurses could not watch the baby while I had the test because she was too little. They had already okayed it before I got there and now all this drama all the while I can barely stand up the pain is so bad. So Paul came over to the hospital from work and I made the nurses call the fabulous lactation consultant at the hospital to come down and she verified it was safe so I could finally get the CAT scan. I get inside and they are injecting the dye and guess what... I have an allergic reaction to the dye right there on the table. I got a bad headache, itchiness, hives all over and my face turned red. It turned out ok though. The CAT Scan came back clean so they are hoping it is just some residual pain that will dissipate. I have to go back to the doctor on Monday. But of course I am not allowed to drive home so Thank You to Dominick who came over to bring Paul back to get his car. All this time Emme was with me and was a perfect little baby aside from peeing all over her outfit while changing. She slept a lot which may mean I could be up all night!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think I actually slept 8 hours last night....

Look at all my hair

Well not all together but for once we were able to link two long sleeps together with a feeding in between. Emme likes to sleep a lot. She doesn't want to eat all the time either so weight gain is a little tough right now. I have to wake her every two hours in the daytime to feed or else she would sleep right through. I guess this would be a godsend to some people but she lost a pound since birth and hasn't gained any back. But she hasn't lost any either. She does have a pretty bad temper sometimes- even the doctor agreed, so maybe she is burning all her calories there.

The burning pain I have had on my abdomen is still there making it tough to do anything except sit or lay down. The doctors are waiting to see if it is an infection and if the antibiotics work. I am hoping soon it will get better since you are supposed to feel better as the days go by not worse. Here are some new pics of Little Miss Temper.

Drying off after my sponge bath

Can you see my temper starting

Monday, January 26, 2009

Family Comes to Visit

We had many visitors at the hospital and then this weekend we had visitors too. We are very sad because Grandma and Grandpa Q left for Florida on Sunday but Emme was able to spend some time with them on Friday and Saturday before they left. Grammy J spent the weekend here and helped me out a bunch since it has been very hard to bend and move without pain. I don't think she wanted to leave last night. She wanted to take Emme home with her. She enjoyed holding Emme all weekend so I got some naps and showers in. Paul and I even ventured out to CVS- how exciting and romantic!

We also found out today that the unbearable pain I am having on my abdomen not in my abdomen is most likely an allergic reaction to the glue that was used to cover the bandage over my incision. It had blistered and the glue was stuck there even after the bandage was taken off. Paul spent a lot of time removing it with some Teflon tape remover stuff at he hospital but it was too late. It irritated the area above my incision and it feels like someone is putting an iron on my skin if anything touches it or it stretches so wearing pants everyday is like torture. And yes you have to wear pants after having a baby. I will not elaborate on that one.

So now armed with the rest of my pain meds, some Motrin, Benadryl and an antibiotic I am hopefully on my way to feeling better. Emme went to the doctor on Saturday and she lost some more weight. She was 6lbs 10oz down from 7lbs 13 oz at birth and 7lbs1oz when we left the hospital but the doctor said it was normal. We have to go tomorrow to do another weight check so hopefully she will have gained some weight. Paul will be going back to work tomorrow. He has been home helping tremendously since I can't do a lot. He is so good with Emme- I think she is going to be a Daddy's girl- I am just the "Milk Lady!"

Here are some pictures. Enjoy.

Aunt Jeanine and Uncle Kevin

Papa Mike

Grandma & Grandpa Q

Grammy J

Aunt Keri, Uncle Bob

Tom & Jerry meet their new sister Emme

I was a bit nervous introducing my doggie babies to Emme. I didn't anticipate a problem but everyone kept saying the dogs would be jealous and I would start neglecting them. I predicted that Tom would be ok with her but not be excited with her until she could throw a ball to him and that Jerry would not like her. I thought he might growl and be scared of her. Let's just say I was really surprised with what happened. When the dogs arrived home from my parents (they stayed there when I was admitted indefinitely to the hospital) Emme was asleep in the crib. They came in and knew there was a visitor so they tore through the house to look. They found her immediately. Tom got a little psycho and started pacing around nervously. When he baby began to make noise and cry, Tom went nutso. He started whimper barking and got very upset that Emme was crying. Jerry sort of came over to investigate and seemed unfazed. Tom continued to bark every time Emme cried for the first two days but less and less each time though.

Now he comes right to the baby when she cries to check on her to make sure she is ok. He still gets a little panicked when she is crying but when she is on my lap he comes over and gives her "drive by" kisses on her toes and face. He really likes her but it will take some more time until he is really comfortable around her. Jerry on the other hand looks for Emme and follows me around like a security guard. He curls up next to me when I nurse and is nervous when she starts moving. But he gave her a kiss yesterday on her hands and he is becoming more and more comfortable too. He also watched everyone who holds her and goes over and checks on her all the time.

Now how is Emme taking to the dogs.... Has no problem. Looks at them when they come near and makes silly faces when they kiss her. She doesn't seem afraid at all. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Even last night we introduced her to Smartie and Abbie and she liked them too. I don't think Smartie was liking it when my dad was giving Emme the attention because Smartie is used to being spoiled. She acted like Tom did and barked and Abbie acted like Jerry and was ok with her. I can relax a bit now knowing that everyone likes everyone and I know it will only get better. Before I know it she will be asking to run Tom and Jerry in agility. I will take some pictures of Emme and the dogs soon.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Emme's First Flowers

Emme got her first bouquet of flowers and a balloon from a boy- her Daddy! And yes Mommy is a little jealous!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Three Days Old and Home Already

Emme Theresa

2 days old

Wouldn't you like to know what I am dreaming about!

This afternoon Emme and I were discharged from the hospital. She took her portrait which came out hysterical. (that will come in a week or two) Her outfit was way too big and I had to roll her pants! I swore the outfit might not fit because she was presumed to be so big but she lost a bit of weight in the hospital so we had to make do with what we had. Then she decided to show off when it was picture time so I hope her expression is a true indicator of her personality because if it is she is going to be one funny little lady. Everything has been going well. My abdomen is feeling very sore after the surgery and I have a bit of trouble walking from the pain. But that is to be expected. Paul made delicious pot roast to welcome us home and brought Emme a bouquet of flowers and a balloon. (I have to say I was a little jealous!) Here are a few pics to enjoy.

cozy in Daddy's arms

Meeting my big brother Paul Jr for the first time

Peace out- I am on my way home from the hospital!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's A Girl!

Emme Theresa Quinn finally made her debut into the world last night January 19, 2009 at 10:12pm via C-section. She weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and is 20 & 3/4 inches long. We are all doing great.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stuck at the Hospital

Yesterday I wasn't sure if my water broke or my bladder broke so for good measure I was instructed to meet the Dr at the hospital this morning for a check to see what was up. They could not determine if my water had actually broken but when they looked at the ultrasound I was very low on amniotic fluid. So I am stuck here at the hospital NOT in labor and I am on monitors until this fabulous child decides to make their grand entrance sometime in the next few days.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby's Mural

I decided a long time ago, I wanted to paint a mural on the baby's wall way before I knew the gender. Since I hate both pink and blue and they are the commercial colors for what else..... babies, I picked out the nursery bedding to be gender neutral. I also love color- lots of different colors and the bedding that caught my eye was Alphabet Soup. So over the summer I took some classes in Ceramics and Painting for fun because I knew I wouldn't just do that kind of thing unless I was in a class and really worked on some samples that I could use for the room. I made some great little bowls and figures to match the animals from Alphabet Soup and practiced painting the animals from the bedding as well.

I then decided I wanted to add a tree and a branch with the bird. So I started sketching the wall AFTER I was put on bed rest of course. Who has time to paint when you are at work all day and then when you get home you are exhausted. I am only allowed to be on my feet for a certain amount of time and then I have to put my feet up, but I have gotten a lot accomplished so far. I will share some pictures as soon as the baby is born since my camera and USB plug are packed!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

39 Weeks 4 days update

Lucky me I had another doctor appt today where I was sure my blood pressure would be terrible and they would induce me but somehow I escaped with the most fabulous pressure reading all pregnancy 120/60. So they sent me home to wait. No problem there. I am in the middle of painting the mural on the baby's wall so now I have more time to devote to that before the baby comes. I have to go back on Monday to have my pressure checked again and the baby's weight(one day past my due date) if I don't deliver before then. Hopefully Baby Quinn will be here before that. I will keep drinking the Red Raspberry Leaf tea and hope for the best!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Paul

For Paul's birthday he had to play pool on one of his teams so I made some pool ball cupcakes and surprised him at the pool hall. I think he was a little embarrassed but his teammates surely didn't mind. Billy ate three, Rich had four and Ellen had a couple. Paul ate the lucky 8 ball but unfortunately the baby did not make its debut on his birthday. That is what he really wanted. Since my camera and USB plug are packed for the hospital pics will have to come later.

Monday, January 12, 2009

39+ Weeks-Bed Rest and NO MORE WORK!

Well today when i went in to the doctor my blood pressure was acting up again. It wasn't really high like last time or even bad enough to be medicated but the doctor decided working and a long commute at 39+ weeks was not a good idea anymore. So she put me on bedrest. :( I am very sad because I was trying so hard to make it through the three days of the NYS ELA test with my students. They are ready but I know they would do better if I were there. Maybe they wouldn't be so nervous, but unfortunately I am not going to be there. I am hoping Baby Quinn will debut soon though because I am not one to sit around and veg on the couch. There is only so much Tivo one can watch.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Another school week over

And I made it through. Well technically I took two days off- one for the doctor and one for the weather so it was only a three day work week but hey I made it to Friday. I do have to work tomorrow so hopefully the snow holds off until I get home. We were supposed to celebrate Paul's birthday (a little early) at my in laws tonight but my father in law wasn't feeling so good so the celebration was canceled. My mother in law sent us part of the delicious meal so we celebrated here instead. Tom & Jerry even got to enjoy a little bit of pot roast and gravy since it was a birthday. We are also busy cleaning out the freezer and freezing lots of meals for when the baby comes so we don't have to prepare too many meals then. I am wondering about this snow storm we are getting tomorrow..... The last 3 times I have been to the hospital over the last month it has snowed. Hmmmm I wonder- that would make a nice birthday present for Paul ;)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

38+ Week update

So off I went to the doctor today even though my appt was yesterday. Yesterday's appts were canceled due to the doctor leaving for an emergency C-section to deliver twins-THANK GOD that's not me! So I had to take today off- oh well. Plus it looks like tomorrow might be another day off due to snow and ice. We shall see. So anyway I get to the doctor and my blood pressure is way too high. I didn't do anything today that would have made it that high so the doctor checked it herself and it was even higher. So I got to take a trip to the hospital so they could monitor my blood pressure for a few hours, check out the baby and do some blood work. The doctor was not too concerned that it is preeclampsia since I didn't have any of the symptoms other than the high blood pressure but better be safe than sorry so I went to the hospital. Also other exciting news- my "fabulous cervix" is dialating.

I LOVE THIS HOSPITAL. Everyone was so nice. I was able to take a little nap while the machines checked me out and the nurse that I had was so wonderful. She even brought me some cheesecake and juice and water. She was so nice to explain everything and waited with me when the lab tech came to draw my blood. She showed me the contractions I was having on the monitor which I thought were just big baby movements- hah I am going to be the idiot in labor and not know it. After about two hours of monitoring the bloodwork came back and was good and my blood pressures were much lower than the doctor's office so I got to go home! YEAH!

The nurse did say the baby looked really good and to keep my blood bank bracelet on because I just might be back sooner than I think! Let's just hope it is way after the ice melts tomorrow.

I also did the last thing on my LIST OF THINGS TO DO BEFORE BABY COMES. I took advantage of my day off and did my own belly cast. I didn't get a chance yet to photograph it so I will save it for another post soon.

Friday, January 2, 2009

My Last Project Before Giving Birth

When my colleague asked me if I could make a cake for her neighbor's first birthday I said sure. Then she told me it needed to be done for January 3rd. Hmm cutting it kind of close to my due date especially since I never made a Winnie the Pooh cake and am a much better cupcake maker than cake maker. She was pretty cool and said it had to be Winnie themed but do whatever I wanted. I like those kinds of parameters because it lets me be creative. I had to check with my sister in law Keri to make sure she wouldn't mind making it in case Baby Quinn made an early entrance. I told her I would give her the cake fee and be forever in debt. But luckily Baby Quinn waited and I am so glad because I had so much fun making this cake. I hope the little girl it is for (even though she is only one :) will like it. It is a two layered chocolate with butter cream and fondant accents. Now I am free to have this baby!