Tuesday, January 6, 2009

38+ Week update

So off I went to the doctor today even though my appt was yesterday. Yesterday's appts were canceled due to the doctor leaving for an emergency C-section to deliver twins-THANK GOD that's not me! So I had to take today off- oh well. Plus it looks like tomorrow might be another day off due to snow and ice. We shall see. So anyway I get to the doctor and my blood pressure is way too high. I didn't do anything today that would have made it that high so the doctor checked it herself and it was even higher. So I got to take a trip to the hospital so they could monitor my blood pressure for a few hours, check out the baby and do some blood work. The doctor was not too concerned that it is preeclampsia since I didn't have any of the symptoms other than the high blood pressure but better be safe than sorry so I went to the hospital. Also other exciting news- my "fabulous cervix" is dialating.

I LOVE THIS HOSPITAL. Everyone was so nice. I was able to take a little nap while the machines checked me out and the nurse that I had was so wonderful. She even brought me some cheesecake and juice and water. She was so nice to explain everything and waited with me when the lab tech came to draw my blood. She showed me the contractions I was having on the monitor which I thought were just big baby movements- hah I am going to be the idiot in labor and not know it. After about two hours of monitoring the bloodwork came back and was good and my blood pressures were much lower than the doctor's office so I got to go home! YEAH!

The nurse did say the baby looked really good and to keep my blood bank bracelet on because I just might be back sooner than I think! Let's just hope it is way after the ice melts tomorrow.

I also did the last thing on my LIST OF THINGS TO DO BEFORE BABY COMES. I took advantage of my day off and did my own belly cast. I didn't get a chance yet to photograph it so I will save it for another post soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got a funny feeling . . . :)
Cousin M