Monday, January 26, 2009

Family Comes to Visit

We had many visitors at the hospital and then this weekend we had visitors too. We are very sad because Grandma and Grandpa Q left for Florida on Sunday but Emme was able to spend some time with them on Friday and Saturday before they left. Grammy J spent the weekend here and helped me out a bunch since it has been very hard to bend and move without pain. I don't think she wanted to leave last night. She wanted to take Emme home with her. She enjoyed holding Emme all weekend so I got some naps and showers in. Paul and I even ventured out to CVS- how exciting and romantic!

We also found out today that the unbearable pain I am having on my abdomen not in my abdomen is most likely an allergic reaction to the glue that was used to cover the bandage over my incision. It had blistered and the glue was stuck there even after the bandage was taken off. Paul spent a lot of time removing it with some Teflon tape remover stuff at he hospital but it was too late. It irritated the area above my incision and it feels like someone is putting an iron on my skin if anything touches it or it stretches so wearing pants everyday is like torture. And yes you have to wear pants after having a baby. I will not elaborate on that one.

So now armed with the rest of my pain meds, some Motrin, Benadryl and an antibiotic I am hopefully on my way to feeling better. Emme went to the doctor on Saturday and she lost some more weight. She was 6lbs 10oz down from 7lbs 13 oz at birth and 7lbs1oz when we left the hospital but the doctor said it was normal. We have to go tomorrow to do another weight check so hopefully she will have gained some weight. Paul will be going back to work tomorrow. He has been home helping tremendously since I can't do a lot. He is so good with Emme- I think she is going to be a Daddy's girl- I am just the "Milk Lady!"

Here are some pictures. Enjoy.

Aunt Jeanine and Uncle Kevin

Papa Mike

Grandma & Grandpa Q

Grammy J

Aunt Keri, Uncle Bob

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