Thursday, January 29, 2009

And the Pain Gets Worse....

So yes I return to the doctor again today to find out why I am in more pain than I was last week and they decide to send me for a CAT scan to rule out fluid buildup, hematomas and anything that might require surgery. So I break the rules and lift the car seat and drive to the doctor and hospital because the pain is THAT bad. There was a ton of confusion at the hospital on whether I could or could not breastfeed after receiving the contrast dye. The doctor that sent me had checked with a radiologist and the surgeon and they said it was safe but when I got to the hospital they wanted me to sign some waiver that I could not breastfeed for 24 hours after the test. Well I guess that would have been ok if I had bottles at home and if I even opened my pump. I have been exclusively breastfeeding and the nurses didn't think it was a big deal that I just give the baby some formula for the next day. I didn't even know what to buy. Then the nurse supervisor said the nurses could not watch the baby while I had the test because she was too little. They had already okayed it before I got there and now all this drama all the while I can barely stand up the pain is so bad. So Paul came over to the hospital from work and I made the nurses call the fabulous lactation consultant at the hospital to come down and she verified it was safe so I could finally get the CAT scan. I get inside and they are injecting the dye and guess what... I have an allergic reaction to the dye right there on the table. I got a bad headache, itchiness, hives all over and my face turned red. It turned out ok though. The CAT Scan came back clean so they are hoping it is just some residual pain that will dissipate. I have to go back to the doctor on Monday. But of course I am not allowed to drive home so Thank You to Dominick who came over to bring Paul back to get his car. All this time Emme was with me and was a perfect little baby aside from peeing all over her outfit while changing. She slept a lot which may mean I could be up all night!

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