Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Agility Run Thru

This past Sunday my dad convinced me to bring Tom and Jerry to PCOTC for some run thrus. Since I am not cleared to "run" yet he wanted to run them. So off we went, two dogs, baby and me out of the house by 7:45am- I was amazed. I have no idea how I am going to fit all the doggy and baby gear in my truck when trial season starts. I already asked Paul to buy a Thule box and rack for the top of the truck! Tom was realy good for my dad. He ran ok the first run with his eyes locked on me at the start as usual, but once he got moving he was good. His second run was much better and I was proud. My dad then ran Jerry and he was so silly. He wants to make his own course and do whatever obstacle he wants not the correct course. But that is ok, he is still a baby in agility world and he has been off for the past five months "maturing." He starts class again in March and will be working on flatwork and sequencing since the speed and obstacle knowledge is there. Tom is skipping classes this semester and doing a seminar called "Spring Training" to get him ready for the Spring Trial season. Our first trial will be April 5th in S. Gloucester, CT. We are only doing one day that weekend. After that is our club's trial that is local Thus-Sun on Mother's Day weekend at FDR Park.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Blogs without pictures just do not catch my attention... please get on that! hehe.. jk