Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cousin's Day 2011

Each year my mother in law's cousins all have a gathering and many generations come together to celebrate family and good times. Each year a different part of the family hosts the "day." This year we are in Long Island. Unfortunately with the threat of Verizon striking, Paul had to attend a rally and I was on my own making the trip out to Long Island with the kiddies. They slept all the way there. We had a great visit with everyone and can't wait until next year which I hear may be in Charlotte.
 Sliding with Uncle Bob!
Aunt Lucille and Jackie.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Visiting Baby Kaitlin!

 Grammy & Kaitlin
 Uncle Paul & Kaitlin. She is checking him out!
 Hey wait a minute... How did you get in there Jackie? He had to see his cutie cousin for himself!
Loving Aunt Jeanine!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Welcome to the World Kaitlin Summer McCarthy

 YEAH!!!! I'm an auntie. So excited to welcome Kaitlin Summer into the family.
 Emme snuck in to visit her new and first baby cousin! She was like we aren't taking this one home are we?? We had to reassure her that no Kaitlin was going home with Jeanine not us! Then she was ok with it all!
Baby Kaitlin and Jeanine are doing great! Kevin not so sure yet! Just kidding!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bronx Zoo

 We are really getting good use out of our zoo pass! Two days in a row! Aquarium and then zoo. No wonder my kids sleep great. As always the kids had a great time.
 He's awake! Always asleep when we come by but today we arrived at park opening just after he had been fed. He was up and gave us our own private show!

 Mommy are you sure he isn't going to eat me. Those teeth look sharp!
So cool!

Monday, July 25, 2011

New York Aquarium

We love having the "zoo pass" that gets us into the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, New York Aquarium, and a few others for free. We always save the free parking passes for the aquarium because parking is ridiculous! $30. No one else was free and Jeanine at 9 months pregnant didn't want to chance driving to Brooklyn and going into labor so Emme, Jack and I trekked out on our own. We had a blast although Emme almost peed her pants during the Ice Age 4D experience. She did not like getting sprayed one bit. It rained a little but we were still able to see the show and catch all the exhibits. As we left Emme demanded we go on the Cyclone- yes the Cyclone the wooden coaster on the Boardwalk which we could see from the lot. I was glad it started to pour because she is too short to ride it and without a nap today she wouldn't have wanted to hear it!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Visit to Aunt Randy & Uncle Pat's

 We took the kids to visit my mom's sister and brother in law and got to see my cousin and goddaughter Katie and her husband Craig who is in the military.  They were up from Georgia visiting with their puppies. Katie and Craig had never met Jack yet so it was extra exciting. Emme absolutely loved Bailey. I think she just could've and would've stolen him had Katie looked the other way. We had a great visit and can't wait to see them again hopefully soon.
 I love you so much and just want to take you home.
Please Mommy, can I keep Bailey!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Feeding the Chickens

Emme and Natalie feeding Natalie's pet chickens corn on the cob. They are very timid around Emme as she is new to them but Natalie, Marianne and Dom all pet them and handle them. Very cool pets and they get yummy eggs too!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Swimming Fun

 Emme & Natalie playing in the sand box.
 Jackie snoozing in the sun.
 Swimming like a big girl!
 Emme & Natalie
Jackie, Aunt Jeanine and soon to be baby cousin!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Emme's Kitty Friend

You all know Tom Jones must be away because this cat nor any other would dare set foot on "his" territory. All the stray cats know Tom Jones as he terrorizes them and I sometimes have to save them as he has them cornered up against the fence. He despises cats. He has never hurt one but the way he looks at them and tears after them like they are a well seasoned steak is scary enough. Tom & Jerry will be returning tonight from their mini vacay at Grammy & Papa Mike's so I'm afraid this will be the last time Emme sees this friendly feline.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Uh Oh.......

 Thanks Shannon Kelly for the really cool stickers. I used as many as I could right away. I love decorating with them as you can see!

Ooopsie, Mommy how could you let this happen?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Foxwoods Fun

Enjoying our little vacation at Foxwoods. The kids love strolling through the casinos, checking out the live enteratinment, the restaurants and the pool of course. I love not being home cooking and cleaning!

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Visit to the Providence Children's Museum

Paul had a few days off and gets comped rooms at Foxwoods all the time in the summer so we headed north and Stayed at Foxwoods MGM for a few days. On our way up we went to the Providence Children's Museum and we played there and had lunch from a nearby cafe. Paul and Emme explored and played together all day. It was nice because he works so much that he doesn't get to spend a lot of time with them and do fun things like this too often. However by the evening he complained his back was killing him. I said I have no pity for you- Welcome to my world- this is what it is like watching kids all day! He didn't like my humor but I told him it was the truth! haha He swore it was from climbing the kiddie climber and he didn't really fit. So I told him I do things like that all the time and he is in much better shape than me! He was not going to win this one!

Exploring how water flows

Paul building his creation.... wait isn't he supposed to be playing with Emme!

Can you see my tooth? I know my blue eyes have eaten you up and you will give me whatever I want!

I make her do this at home too! 


Paul and Emme in the "CLIMBER!"

Jack and I waited in the shade and took pics of Daddy and Emme in the "Climber."

Paul teaching Emme to crawl through a tunnel

Getting ready to leave
By the way wishing a Happy 5 month Birthday to Baby Jack!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jack's First Food- Carrots!

What is this crap? This is not my milk!

May I try your pasta instead?

I will take it in and then spit it all back out. They will never know.

Give it to me. I will do it myself.

I said give it to me.......

I want the spoon now so I can dump this nasty stuff off and chew on the spoon.

Look at this now I am in trouble.

Well as you can see from the above photos, Jack was not very happy eating his first real food. Jack has not ever had cereal or formula and we make all of our own baby food. Emme's first food was carrots too. She liked them better though. Next up will be some banana or corn. I know he will love his baby yogurt but that has to wait until he is 6 months. He will be 5 months old in a couple of days. Jack is doing great. He sucks his thumb/ fingers to soothe his gums and he still rarely cries. He is so laid back. Emme was pretty laid back too but Jack is much more so. Emme learned how to drink from a cup with no lid or straw and manages nicely but often forgets she is holding a cup without a lid and jumps or something crazy. She is so sweet with her brother and when she gets in trouble or knows she has done something wrong so says "Sorry Mommy'" in the sweetest, cutest innocent way that makes my heart melt. She recently started telling Paul and I that we are her best friends and she randomly tells us she loves us and hugs and kisses us without us saying it first. She has been doing that with Jack for awhile now and we were getting a little jealous. She hugs and kisses him ALL the time. We have to watch that she doesn't crush him or smother him with her hugs and kisses though. He's a big boy though he can take most of it!