Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Emme's Dental Checkup

So 24 hours after my root canal I find myself back at the dentist's office. Not for me thank goodness! Emme is having her check up and it went great. I love this dental office. It is amazing. They make the kids feel like superstars- so comfortable and they are so nice and explain everything. Emme picked out cotton candy cleaner for her teeth and got a new toothbrush and a light up ring! We did find out that the attachment of her upper lip is very low from the gum line. It is hereditary and it will mean she needs braces if we don't have it snipped. If we do have the surgery to snip it she most likely will not need braces since her teeth have nice spacing. The dentist asked which one of us- Paul or I had the low attachment and I didn't know so she checked my gums and it's not me. Sorry Emme- you have Daddy to thank for that one. But we don't have to worry about it until she is 8 or so. After Emme was done, the dentist presented Jack with his first toothbrush to celebrate his first tooth. Great now I have three mouths to brush. I must be doing a good job with Emme's since there were no cavities! YAY!

Since Emme's best bud Natalie had a dental appointment earlier that morning we decided to meet for lunch. The girls had such a nice time and Marianne and I had a good time catching up too. Jack of course slept like an angel until the end of our meal. 

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