Saturday, July 9, 2011

Morning at the Playground

All this watching Emme run all over makes me sleepy

So we woke up this morning all hyped up to go to music class- even Paul was going to come with us for part of the class before he had to leave for work when it dawned one me. There was no class this week since Ernie was on vacation. CRAP. I was just finishing Emme's braids when I actually said out loud that there was no music class today. Obviously I had not had my morning coffee because that one statement instantly set off the mother of all meltdowns. Even the offering of m& m's couldn't calm that howling mess. So I calmly told her that if she stopped crying I would take to her the cool playground that we see from the parking lot of music class that I never take her to. And that maybe if she stops crying Daddy can come too. It took a bit of cajoling but she came around. Paul even drove her to Dunkin Doniuts first and Jack and I met them at the playground. Disaster averted! Yessssss! Until of course Paul had to leave for work and she cried. But I told her he would be home for a bunch of days and we would be doing fun stuff with him so she calmed down.

Then to top it all off she even behaved while we ran errands.

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