Monday, January 12, 2009

39+ Weeks-Bed Rest and NO MORE WORK!

Well today when i went in to the doctor my blood pressure was acting up again. It wasn't really high like last time or even bad enough to be medicated but the doctor decided working and a long commute at 39+ weeks was not a good idea anymore. So she put me on bedrest. :( I am very sad because I was trying so hard to make it through the three days of the NYS ELA test with my students. They are ready but I know they would do better if I were there. Maybe they wouldn't be so nervous, but unfortunately I am not going to be there. I am hoping Baby Quinn will debut soon though because I am not one to sit around and veg on the couch. There is only so much Tivo one can watch.

1 comment:

Michelle M. said...

I hope your BP doesn't go up anymore! Do the bedrest and take care of yourself.