Monday, February 28, 2011

Uh OH!

This should not be the image you see on the screen of your camera after taking a picture. :( My camera took a spill and now must be repaired. After speaking with Canon the repair cost will be a minimum of $225.  Thank you ceramic tile kitchen floor!

By the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Home Care Nurse

Ok so it's been 11 days since my staples have been out and my wound opened up. So far it is healing slowly. The doctor is satisfied with the results but it is brutal having Paul clean and care for my wound. On Friday a home care nurse called to see how I was and was going to make a post partum visit. The hospital sets this up automatically unless you decline it. They come and check you and the baby out and looks for signs of post partum depression. When I told them about my wound and how my husband was taught to care for it they almost had a heart attack. They told me that is part of their service and my doctor should've alerted them immediately and they would have been coming every day to clean and care for it with saline and packing tape instead of harsh peroxide and gauze packed by a loving non medical professional named Paul! They set up with my doctor for a prescription to come and they will be starting tomorrow. I can't wait and Paul can't either. Other than that things are going well. Jack is nursing every 1.5-3 hours during the day and every 3-4 hours at night. The dogs love him and Emme can't get enough of him. Now if only this wound would close.

Happy 3rd Birthday Natalie Grace!!!!

Today is Natalie's 3rd birthday and we went to an awesome "Backyardigans" birthday party. Emme and Jack had a great time. I am completely wiped out after two parties in two days after not doing much. Everything was so nice. We had a barbecue dinner and Marianne made two great cakes that had Backyardigans on them. There were also pails of dirt (chocolate pudding oreos and worms) and sand (vanilla pudding, graham crackers and worms) The kids loved it. Emme ate so much food and cake. I can't believe how big Natalie is getting. She is so smart too. Happy Birthday big girl!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Cousin Moriah

Uncle Kevin and Emme playing with all the cool toys.
My dad and my cousin Moriah share the same birthday February 28th. This year my cousin was having a "sort of" surprise 39.999 birthday. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it considering I only had a baby two weeks ago but I don't get to see my dad's side of the family too often and I didn't want to miss the chance. Besides Baby Jack had to meet the fam! Also I am still not allowed to drive so it was another great excuse to get out of the house. My dad came up early and took Emme to music and then we had lunch together. We all piled into his new minivan for the trip out to Manhasset. We had a blast and can't wait to get together again. Best of all my cousin Leigha and her husband Kevin (who were not present!!) had a baby girl this morning. Can't wait to meet Sophia!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Quick Update

Well I have been back to the doctor and the wound looks "good." I have no idea how anyone could say that but I guess since it isn't infected that is the good part. It is still 12 cm long and 6 or more cm deep in certain spots. Just plain gross. I feel so bad for Paul who has to endure me screaming as he pours peroxide into the wound and pull out the packed gauze every morning. He must love me a lot! Emme got her first view of the wound by accident because what two year old listens to you when you say go watch tv and she wants to play doctor. She wasn't fazed. I simply siad Mommy is ok. I just have a big boo boo on my belly. That is how Jack got out. It hurts sometimes but it will get better. She said ok and continued to "help." They are allowing me to make one small drive a day to pick up Emme. I am not allowed to lift her or Jack in his carseat so it is a pain in the neck, but at least I can get out. A small bit of freedom is great and keeping a routine for Emme is really great. She is doing much better and is really adjusting well.

I have a new manly binkie so leave me alone!
Also Emme was helping to change Jack the other day and spotted his penis. She asked what it was and I said it was his penis. (She knows all about parts and that she has girl parts.) I said only boys have them. So she was quiet for a minute and then she said "Jack have a penis... and Daddy has one too." She then rambled off at least 3 or 4 other male members of the family and told me that they have them too. I must say excellent inferencing skills for a two year old. I can only imagine what she says at school.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Pinky Binkie

I just had to post this. I absolutely HATE the color baby pink. I don't know why I just do. Before Emme was born I ordered her cool pacifiers with her name on them and Marianne bought her some pink newborn binkies. I was so desperate to keep her quiet and get some sleep we used them with Emme. Unfortunately after a few days Emme kept spitting them out and would get so upset she would scream. It was useless trying to jump up and get to her before her meltdown would start as soon as I heard the binkie pop out. So Emme never ended up using binkies after that. She is a solid thumb sucker! I threw them in a box when I packed up her stuff and then the other night when Jack would not settle back down I dug them out, washed them off and offered it to him. Talk about love. He loves his pinky binkie. I have slept, Paul has slept and Jack has slept. What more can you ask as parents of an almost two week old. My mom and sister keep telling me they are going to buy him some manly binkies but from the picture above I don't think he really cares what color it is as long as he can have it. By the way he HATES the swing and you can clearly see he is tolerating it probably because of his pinky binkie.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Jack's First Restaurant Visit

Jack slept through the whole meal!
Paul went back to work today so my dad took the day off to come and help out and pick up Emme. We snuck out and had lunch at one of our favorite places and then went to pick up Emme from school. We are trying to keep as normal of a schedule as possible for Emme since she is having a little bit of a tough time understanding her "place." I am glad I was able to go and pick her up because that is part of the "normal." I don't know how easy that is going to be without permission to drive but we shall see.  

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Staples Removed Today........

........and my entire incision opened up. 
I had a c-section, was mentally prepared, recovery was supposed to be much better since I knew about it and it was sort of planned. So what happened? The doctor said it isn't uncommon for incisions to open up. I never heard of it before but after asking around at a few mom groups it does happen. The doctor explained she cut on the same scar I had from Emme since it is more beneficial to have only one cut on your uterus instead of more than one cut in different areas. So what happened was that the incision had been oozing a little- not uncommon and then two nights ago I jumped up from bed because I thought I forgot to feed Jack and he was crying ( I did not forget- sleep deprivation was fooling my head) and I felt something pop in my incision. I inspected it and saw that a staple was missing?? So this morning the doctor removed the staples and then found the missing one- it had twisted under the incision and was inside it. Then the whole incision slowly opened up and she was like "You have a huge hole in you abdomen- Your incision opened up" She said I have to show it to you so you understand. The feeling was surreal. I had no emotion until she said it could take weeks to heal and I couldn't drive. Nor should I go anywhere or do much of anything. I started bawling. I guess taking care of my two year old was to be put on the side for a few weeks. Then she showed Paul how to clean and pack it because it was up to him to take care of it everyday until my next appointment. They poured peroxide into the "gaping hole" and packed it with gauze, covered it and I was good to go. Thank goodness it didn't hurt. She did a great job of killing all my nerves when she did the c-section. Then she said she was leaving for Turks and Caicos for a vacation. HA!

I Found My Thumb!

I know it was by mistake but it was amazing. He stopped crying immediately. Too bad it was short lived. Some day........ 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I love to pat my Baby Jackie!

Emme loves her "Baby Jackie." She started calling him this all on her own. All she wants to do is "big hug and kiss Baby Jackie" and "pat him." She must think he is like a dog because she pats him ever so gently on his "furry head!" Transitioning is getting better with Emme. She is still having a tough time getting dropped off at school. She cries and wants to come home. Her schedule at school changed also so she is there less but I guess knowing I am home with Jack doesn't amke it easier.

Tomorrow I go to get my staples out so hopefully things will go well. No pain but the incision is still oozing a bit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

4 Days Old!

Daddy & Jack chilling out

From Aunt Randy & Uncle Pat

From Grammy & Papa Mike

From Daddy

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Opening her Valentines and candy from school

Getting ready to leave the hospital

Emme and Jerry checking out Jack

Sitting together in our matching seats

Today we came home from the hospital. Last night my parents went home. They were watching Emme for us all weekend and visiting with us at the hospital. So Paul had to go home and stay with Emme and I got to spend the entire night alone with Jack. Funny thing is he slept and I didn't! I don't know why but I couldn't sleep. Thank goodness for Jeanine's Ipad or I would've lost my mind. I bought a bunch of good stuff! I feel great and my incision doesn't hurt. Now I have to look forward to my staples coming out on Thursday and maybe I will be allowed to drive this weekend. I hate being cooped up in the house.

We picked Emme up from school on the way home and she was so excited to see her Baby Jackie in the car. She is having a little adjustment issue with me. She is very unsure of him, but she likes him so hopefully it will continue. As for potty training- she is in panties all day and a pull up at night. She refuses to wear pull ups for naps and said she will give all her old diapers to Jack. She has had a few accidents which is better than what we expected so far. She did pee all over the booth in Friendly's this weekend under my parents' watch! I felt bad for them. But other than that she had been good. Let's see if it continues.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

All I Want for Christmas.....

is an Ipad. That is what Emme is requesting since she thinks she can watch Dora all day and play games if she gets one. I want one because I am too lazy to schlep down to the basement to fire up the PC. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Baby Jack

Baby Jack is doing great. He is so alert and a good eater. I am up and getting around as much as possible. Incision doesn't hurt too much so I am not needing too much pain medicine which is nice. Emme is having a grand old time with my parents. She is being royally spoiled with special dinner and lunches out and she gets to spend most of the day at the hospital with me. This morning Paul took her to music class which she liked a lot and my mom stayed here with me at the hospital. Big shout out to Aunt Jeanine who lent me her Ipad so I could shop online for boy clothes and keep Emme entertained with netflix on demand videos of Dora!

What do you mean he is coming home with us?
I don't know about this!

Friday, February 11, 2011

It's A Boy!!!

 Jack Michael Quinn
Born February 11, 2011 at 8:10am
8lbs 6oz 20inches long

Jack entered the world this morning via c-section. We knew yesterday it was going to happen today but we decided to keep it our little secret until he got here. I went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was very high and I still wasn't dilated or anything so they said I could wait until Monday (Valentine's Day) but I figured who would want a birthday on Valentine's Day so we opted for today 2/11/11. I was exactly 40 weeks and one day- the same as Emme. After the c- section it was revealed that the umbilical cord was very, very short which may have been why Jack never descended. Personally I think that it must be amazingly cozy in my womb because neither one of my children wanted to exit! If my blood pressure was ok the doctors were going to let me go another week to see if I dilated and went into labor but I am glad things worked out the way they did or I might've had a ten pound baby!

Jack Michael is amazingly perfect- long fingers and a head of hair. He looks incredibly similar to Emme when she was born. We are all doing great and Emme seems to really like her "Baby Jackie!" Hopefully that continues. Aside from hot flashes and severe itchiness ( both common for c-sectioners) I am doing well.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Music Together

So I was a little hesitant taking Emme to music class just 6 days before I was due so I enlisted Paul to come along since he might be bringing her some weeks after the baby was born. Plus it is a little difficult getting up and down and moving all around with Emme to the music. So we schlepped from Home Depot to music class and like every week Emme had a blast. She and Natalie have taken a few sessions together and it is so amazing to see each of them as the other one arrives to run and hug each other like they have been apart for ages. It is so adorable. They really are such good pals.

Home Depot Kids Workshops

 I love the Home Depot Kids Workshops. We came across it by accident in January when they had it. We were shopping for some tile and they had little tables set up and kids were making little battery holders. I asked Emme if she wanted to try it and we sat down and she really liked it. She was good at it too. She helped squeeze wood glue, place tiny nails in the holes and hammer the pieces together. This month I dragged Paul along to do the project with Emme. The two of them had a blast making a heart shelf. After completing the shelf each kid gets a certificate and a pin. Not all the kids get aprons they are usually raffled but they thought Emme was so good at making the project and for being so little they gave her one anyway!

                                                Oh and the best part about it is it is FREE!!!!!!!!!

Hammer time

Putting the pieces together
Finished project