Friday, February 25, 2011

Quick Update

Well I have been back to the doctor and the wound looks "good." I have no idea how anyone could say that but I guess since it isn't infected that is the good part. It is still 12 cm long and 6 or more cm deep in certain spots. Just plain gross. I feel so bad for Paul who has to endure me screaming as he pours peroxide into the wound and pull out the packed gauze every morning. He must love me a lot! Emme got her first view of the wound by accident because what two year old listens to you when you say go watch tv and she wants to play doctor. She wasn't fazed. I simply siad Mommy is ok. I just have a big boo boo on my belly. That is how Jack got out. It hurts sometimes but it will get better. She said ok and continued to "help." They are allowing me to make one small drive a day to pick up Emme. I am not allowed to lift her or Jack in his carseat so it is a pain in the neck, but at least I can get out. A small bit of freedom is great and keeping a routine for Emme is really great. She is doing much better and is really adjusting well.

I have a new manly binkie so leave me alone!
Also Emme was helping to change Jack the other day and spotted his penis. She asked what it was and I said it was his penis. (She knows all about parts and that she has girl parts.) I said only boys have them. So she was quiet for a minute and then she said "Jack have a penis... and Daddy has one too." She then rambled off at least 3 or 4 other male members of the family and told me that they have them too. I must say excellent inferencing skills for a two year old. I can only imagine what she says at school.

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