Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Opening her Valentines and candy from school

Getting ready to leave the hospital

Emme and Jerry checking out Jack

Sitting together in our matching seats

Today we came home from the hospital. Last night my parents went home. They were watching Emme for us all weekend and visiting with us at the hospital. So Paul had to go home and stay with Emme and I got to spend the entire night alone with Jack. Funny thing is he slept and I didn't! I don't know why but I couldn't sleep. Thank goodness for Jeanine's Ipad or I would've lost my mind. I bought a bunch of good stuff! I feel great and my incision doesn't hurt. Now I have to look forward to my staples coming out on Thursday and maybe I will be allowed to drive this weekend. I hate being cooped up in the house.

We picked Emme up from school on the way home and she was so excited to see her Baby Jackie in the car. She is having a little adjustment issue with me. She is very unsure of him, but she likes him so hopefully it will continue. As for potty training- she is in panties all day and a pull up at night. She refuses to wear pull ups for naps and said she will give all her old diapers to Jack. She has had a few accidents which is better than what we expected so far. She did pee all over the booth in Friendly's this weekend under my parents' watch! I felt bad for them. But other than that she had been good. Let's see if it continues.

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