Thursday, February 17, 2011

Staples Removed Today........

........and my entire incision opened up. 
I had a c-section, was mentally prepared, recovery was supposed to be much better since I knew about it and it was sort of planned. So what happened? The doctor said it isn't uncommon for incisions to open up. I never heard of it before but after asking around at a few mom groups it does happen. The doctor explained she cut on the same scar I had from Emme since it is more beneficial to have only one cut on your uterus instead of more than one cut in different areas. So what happened was that the incision had been oozing a little- not uncommon and then two nights ago I jumped up from bed because I thought I forgot to feed Jack and he was crying ( I did not forget- sleep deprivation was fooling my head) and I felt something pop in my incision. I inspected it and saw that a staple was missing?? So this morning the doctor removed the staples and then found the missing one- it had twisted under the incision and was inside it. Then the whole incision slowly opened up and she was like "You have a huge hole in you abdomen- Your incision opened up" She said I have to show it to you so you understand. The feeling was surreal. I had no emotion until she said it could take weeks to heal and I couldn't drive. Nor should I go anywhere or do much of anything. I started bawling. I guess taking care of my two year old was to be put on the side for a few weeks. Then she showed Paul how to clean and pack it because it was up to him to take care of it everyday until my next appointment. They poured peroxide into the "gaping hole" and packed it with gauze, covered it and I was good to go. Thank goodness it didn't hurt. She did a great job of killing all my nerves when she did the c-section. Then she said she was leaving for Turks and Caicos for a vacation. HA!

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