Friday, February 11, 2011

It's A Boy!!!

 Jack Michael Quinn
Born February 11, 2011 at 8:10am
8lbs 6oz 20inches long

Jack entered the world this morning via c-section. We knew yesterday it was going to happen today but we decided to keep it our little secret until he got here. I went to the doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was very high and I still wasn't dilated or anything so they said I could wait until Monday (Valentine's Day) but I figured who would want a birthday on Valentine's Day so we opted for today 2/11/11. I was exactly 40 weeks and one day- the same as Emme. After the c- section it was revealed that the umbilical cord was very, very short which may have been why Jack never descended. Personally I think that it must be amazingly cozy in my womb because neither one of my children wanted to exit! If my blood pressure was ok the doctors were going to let me go another week to see if I dilated and went into labor but I am glad things worked out the way they did or I might've had a ten pound baby!

Jack Michael is amazingly perfect- long fingers and a head of hair. He looks incredibly similar to Emme when she was born. We are all doing great and Emme seems to really like her "Baby Jackie!" Hopefully that continues. Aside from hot flashes and severe itchiness ( both common for c-sectioners) I am doing well.

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